An Attitude of Gratitude

from Joyce Oyler, Pastoral Intern

It’s that time of year!  Thanksgiving is right around the corner and Advent begins 3 days later!  This time of year invites us to stop, acknowledge and name the many blessings we have in our lives and the multitudes of things for which we are thankful.  In the life of North Church, many of us started that process a few weeks ago at the Family Retreat.  We traveled to beautiful Pilgrim Hills, a facility we are blessed to be able to claim as our own through our covenantal relationship with the Ohio Conference of the United Church of Christ.  We enjoyed great weather, loving company, nourishing food, challenging conversations, laughter, tears, and meaningful worship.  And our theme was An Attitude of Gratitude.

One thing I’ve observed since I started as your Pastoral Intern is that an attitude of gratitude is an ingrained component of the culture here at North.  Folks are genuinely appreciative of all the many blessings that abound here and are good at letting each other know that!

From expressing gratitude for the musical offerings of the Choir, to appreciating the people who stepped up and filled in slots for selling pumpkins.  From recognizing the gift of food to eat, to extending that same gift to others through helping with the Y meal.  From gratefully receiving the gift of time and talent in a Friday night offering on end of life issues to gratefully sharing conversations on forgiveness during WEBS.  This congregation gladly offers itself to each other in many varied ways, and the gifts are graciously received and recognized with gratitude.

As we move into our season of Advent, may we keep a grateful heart, remembering those less fortunate than us, those who are not able to be with loved ones, and those who feel they have no reason to celebrate this season.  May we maintain our attitude of gratitude, expressing our thanks for the many blessings we are privileged to experience.

Thanks be to God!



