B.R.E.A.D. Sunday Potluck and Meeting

Sunday, March 4,
12:00 pm
Fellowship Hall

First, we will briefly gather in our new kitchen to celebrate and to dedicate it to the service of God and community. I understand that we may even learn a new song being written for this occasion!

Next, we will move into Fellowship Hall for North’s “third sacrament” — a tasty, one-of-a-kind potluck meal! So, please bring your favorite dish to share. (There are sign up sheets in the narthex. Yes, I realize that sign-up sheets take the “luck” out of potluck but it does help us with our planning — thanks!).

During lunch, we’ll hear from Rob Sievert-Wagner, the director of our local B.R.E.A.D. Organization, who will report on the progress of the research teams and some of the big projects in the works. Ellen Baumgartner and Joyce Freund will also share the latest from the “Youth and Family Concerns Committee,” one of B.R.E.A.D.’s research teams on which they both serve.

B.R.E.A.D. isn’t just an organization — it is a movement. And recently, many of us at North have observed that there is a new energy and momentum building through the social justice ministry of B.R.E.A.D. as it moves from a confrontational to a more collaborative model of change. B.R.E.A.D. continues to build relationships and form new partnerships with other ‘power holders’ in our community (e.g., OSU, our elected officials, other community organizations) in order to create meaningful change on behalf of the most vulnerable in our community.

So, come! Come and share in this meal as we dedicate our kitchen — and as we dedicate ourselves again — to the service of God and our wider community.

Lexi will be available to provide child care. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Grace & peace,
Joanna Samuelson




